
How To Keep Patio Furniture From Scratching Deck

New deck furniture can transform your outdoor living infinite into a beautiful, inviting, and relaxing place. The entire family can assemble to share meals or simply chill out as they enjoy the outdoors. But how do you ensure that your furniture doesn't ruin your deck floor?

To keep your deck chairs from scratching your deck, invest in quality, scratch-resistant decking similar blended or Ipe. Protect the surface using furniture pads, outdoor rugs, or carpets. Keep the deck free of abrasive cloth, similar twigs or debris that could crusade scratches.

Continue reading for more than details on how to protect your deck and the practise's and don'ts to assistance maintain it. Y'all will also notice helpful tips and tricks on how to foreclose scratches from ruining your deck surface and how to repair scratched deck floors.


  • 1 How To Keep Your Deck Free of Furniture Scratches
    • ane.i Invest in High-Quality Decking
    • ane.2 Utilise Piece of furniture Pads To Reduce Force per unit area on Your Deck
    • one.3 Use Furniture Feet To Preclude Deck Scratches
    • 1.iv Use Outdoor Rugs That Besides Complement Your Decor
    • one.5 Sweep and Clean the Deck Regularly
    • ane.6 Do Regular Sealing for Your Deck
  • 2 Do's and Don'ts of Caring for Deck Flooring
  • three How To Remove Scratches From Your Deck
  • 4 Decision to How to Stop Furniture From Damaging Your Deck

How To Keep Your Deck Gratis of Article of furniture Scratches

Quality deck floor is a hefty investment. Therefore, you wouldn't desire to have anything messing it upwardly, leaving backside unsightly scratch marks. Fortunately, there are several things you tin do to protect your deck from adventitious scratches. Let'southward explore them.

Invest in High-Quality Decking

If you are redoing your house decor or only sprucing up your deck, consider investing in high-quality floor decking. Go for 1 that comes with a scratch-resistant surface and a solid core.

For wood decking, the harder and denser the wood the better. Decking like Ipe and other exotic forest are oftentimes more resistant to damage.

Avert softer forest decking like Cedar. Cedar may be naturally resistant to rotting but scratches very easy. Fifty-fifty after being stained the decking can marking easily.

With composite decking, the cap volition make all the difference. The harder the cap the less probable it to become scratched by furniture.

ZuriOpens in a new tab. PVC decking with its acrylic articulate cap is probably the well-nigh resistant to scratches. Like material as what is used to protect kayaks, recreational vehicles and even optic lenses. Actually tough stuff.

Only if you are not in the market place for photo-realistic hardwood flooring on your deck. There are many other composite decking options.

Many people sing the praises of Trex Transcend as being one of the most durable caps on the market. During construction, I often detect it will mark less than other composites.

TimberTech'southward wire-brushed finishes may not exist every bit scratch-resistant but their finer forest grains can often camouflage modest scratches. Which can have its advantages.

Besides your bulletproof Ipe, the best protection against deck scratches is expert practises on your deck. Continue reading to learn more.

Use Piece of furniture Pads To Reduce Pressure on Your Deck

Also known as glides, article of furniture pads protect your deck from furniture scratches acquired by friction or excessive pressure. They help prevent immediate contact between your patio furniture and the decking and are particularly suitable for wooden decks since they blend in well — they are made of recycled wood.

Patio furniture frequently comes with inbuilt nylon protection, but at times, you might need to affix nylon guides afterward buying the furniture. The ones bought with your furniture over time wearing off.

You can purchase glides from your local hardware store or even make them yourself if you are the handy type. Attach them to your furniture using adhesive, or choose to purchase the self-adhesive type.

Have a look at the video beneath to encounter how you can brand glides at home:

Use Furniture Feet To Prevent Deck Scratches

Another selection is to get rubber or epoxy feet or caps for your furniture. Rubber furniture feet make information technology like shooting fish in a barrel to move heavy article of furniture effectually when cleaning without incurring any impairment. During parties, guests can also move their seats without fright of scraping your deck.

Plastic furniture feet are durable and easy on your deck, while silicon furniture feet are more high-terminate merely better than plastic ones.

Furniture feet are well-suited for wrought iron furniture or furniture with pointed feet. Also, if your deck is glace, they prevent the furniture from sliding when someone sits on information technology.

Some piece of furniture contains metal bottoms (depending on your decking) and is highly prone to making scratches on your deck. As such, you would need to be extremely careful when moving such article of furniture. Rubber and plastic furniture pads are the most suitable for use in your patio since they are also water-repellant.

Peel-and-stick protectors are readily bachelor in the market. In that location are also mucilage-on or screw-on design options, and so you tin select your preference or choose depending on your outdoor piece of furniture'due south anxiety. Use them to cover patio tables, chair legs, stools, and whatsoever other deck accessories that might need them.

Use Outdoor Rugs That Also Complement Your Decor

If your article of furniture does not contain inbuilt protection, you can use the protective padding discussed above or embrace the floor with an outdoor rug. For instance, you can place a thick carpet underneath your patio table to preclude the table'southward feet from scratching your wooden deck. Go for something that complements your existing decor and style.

Outdoor rugs are popular since yous tin can apply them to alter the await of your patio from time to fourth dimension. They add colour, complement your existing decor, plus you can also use them to create different sections in your outdoor infinite.

Read more near the best outdoor rugs for compositeOpens in a new tab., past clicking the link.

Sweep and Clean the Deck Regularly

Because your deck is located outdoors, clay and debris tin can chop-chop settle on the surface. Twigs, leaves, and pocket-size branches from nearby shrubs or trees tin besides be collected hither. All these can cause scratches on your deck, especially if someone steps on them. Regular sweeping and cleaning of the deck surface area using a fine broom will forestall such an occurrence.

Occasionally, utilize soap and water to remove dirt and dust buildup. If y'all need to scrub off some spots, do it gently with a soft brush. Also, avoid power washing and instead utilise a garden hose to clean the deck.

During wintertime, remove snow from your deck using a plastic shovel. A metal shovel contains sharp edges that could scratch the deck. For the best results, follow the boards' management, i.east., move parallel to the boards' management to avert nicking the surface.

Remember, keeping your deck clean improves its appearance, helps to maintain it, and makes information technology final longer.

Do Regular Sealing for Your Deck

If your deck flooring is decumbent to scratching, try sealing it. This entails applying a protective seal on the deck surface to ensure that the floor does not suffer avoidable article of furniture scratches.

Besides, once the seal forms a protective cover, some minor scratches will finish to exist visible. Regular sealing is advisable since it volition leave your deck looking nice and bonny.

Do's and Don'ts of Caring for Deck Flooring

After installing your beautiful wooden decking, you don't desire to ruin it with scrapes and scratches from your patio chairs and seats. Hither are some guidelines on how to treat and maintain your deck'southward skilful looks. Following these principles will assistance go on any deck floor in meridian status for the longest time.

To reduce the risk of scratches occurring on your deck:

  • Opt for deck flooring that's hard, dense, and boasts superior capping.
  • Order samples of your potential decking to test how scratch-resistant the deck surface is before committing to buying information technology.
  • Use the appropriate decking repair kit for your deck flooring.
  • Follow the manufacturer'due south instructions when removing scratch marks from your deck.
  • Don't use condom pads on PVC decking because they can cause discoloration.
  • Don't drag your furniture beyond your deck; lift it instead to avoid scraping the deck.
  • Don't purchase article of furniture with pointed anxiety, every bit it will likely scratch your deck.
  • Carefully cull your patio furniture; for case, wrought iron article of furniture could scratch your wooden decking.

How To Remove Scratches From Your Deck

Accidents happen. And no matter how careful you are, you might discover the odd scratch or ii on your decking. Even scratch-resistant surfaces similar composite decking could withal suffer damage from abrasive furniture legs such as wrought-atomic number 26 chairs.

While the appearance of some scratches could diminish with time, others might be a bit stubborn. So what can you do?

Beneath are some valuable suggestions on how to repair various deck surfaces:

  • Blended decking: By using a heat gun, you tin can brand the scratch blend in and disappear. However, to avoid damage, keep the estrus gun's tip constantly in motility. Additionally, always concord the rut gun at a distance of 2 inches (5 cm) from the deck floor to prevent permanent damage. Also, avoid sanding or wire-brushing without checking with the manufacturer, as you lot might impairment the surface.
  • Pressure-treated wood: Sand the surface area until the scratch disappears, then seal the deck. This will give the deck a finished await again.
  • Tropical hardwood: This type of decking is quite dense and robust. Thus, information technology rarely gets significant scratch issues. Calorie-free sanding is enough to remove the minor scratches.

And hither is a short just insightful video on how to repair scratches on composite decking:

Decision to How to End Piece of furniture From Dissentious Your Deck

Scratches and bear on impairment can mess up your beautiful deck floor, leaving it looking unkempt. But not if yous follow the helpful suggestions outlined in this commodity. You will non but get to protect your deck and keep it scratch-free but will besides minimize the potential impairment your outdoor article of furniture can cause.


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