
Is There Something To Put On A Female Cat To Keep From Getting Pregnant

A few years ago, I had the pleasure of raising two adorable infant kittens from infancy – we fed them with a bottle and helped them abound into large healthy, teenage cats. But at some point, my young cats started interim funny; and I presently realized it was because they had reached the age of sexual maturity. Hello, cat in heat! Simply what to do when you are presented with this funny behavior, and the new mating rituals of your feline furry friend? How exercise you lot recognize the signs of a true cat in heat? And how to all-time handle a true cat in heat (particularly if you want to prevent an unwanted cat pregnancy)?We'll cover all that and more, in the article below. Plus, discover the all-time way to go along rails of your cat at all times.

Tabular array of contents

  • What does it mean when a true cat is in rut?
  • Cat in heat signs & symptoms
  • Practice female cats have periods?
  • The cat estrus cycle explained
    • Proestrus
    • Estrus (heat)
      • How long are cats in heat?
    • Interestrus
    • Anestrus
  • How to calm a true cat in estrus
  • How to preclude unwanted pregnancy in cats
  • Conclusion

What does it mean when a cat is in rut?

You lot might have heard the term, 'cat in oestrus' or 'dog in oestrus' before. 'In heat' refers to when a female true cat is ready to mate (have sexual practice) and fertile (can become pregnant). This is also known as the oestrus phase of her sexual cycle and begins already at the age of 5 to x months onetime. (Remember, cats age faster than humans).

The first time I ever realized my young cats were in estrus was when they seemed to endeavor to mate with each other – although they were brother and sister. 😨

cat in heat - two cats cuddling
Maya and Beta – brother and sis.

Yes, this tin can and does occur; particularly amidst cats who are not exposed to many other cats in the wild.While in heat, their strong, natural mating instinct will crusade them to attempt to mate with any and every true cat of the opposite sex nearby – the cat in heat does non obey whatsoever rules well-nigh how humans think they 'should' conduct!

Get your cats spayed and neutered to avoid unwanted (and possibly inbred) cat pregnancies.

To successfully handle a true cat in heat, it'south good to know the signs of a cat in heat.

Cat in heat signs & symptoms

Exist aware of the following true cat in heat signs and symptoms that your cat might display if they are in heat. Your true cat might:

  • outset making funny sounds
  • go more restless
  • crawl low to the basis
  • be more affectionate with people, objects, and other animals
  • groom their private parts more oft
  • try to escape outdoors
  • assume the mating position (behind in the air, tail to the side)
  • urinate to mark territory
  • lose appetite

So whether your unspayed cat is meowing, moaning, or crying, walking funny, rubbing up against you and furniture in your home, or taking extra special care of her lady parts, if your cat displays one or more than of these signs, you lot near likely have a cat in heat on your easily. Now, let's take a look at feline periods and the heat wheel in cats.

cat in heat calico cat in house rubbing up against person

Do female cats take periods?

Female cats do have a monthly cycle, just i which is quite different from female humans.  Rather than shedding the uterine lining similar human women do every 32 days or so, cats and select mammals reabsorb the sometime uterine-lining rather than bleeding it out. This takes place during the estrus cycle described below.

A small corporeality of blood may be shed during the rut bike of your true cat simply it is more common for a female person cat with a 'period' to display the signs of a true cat in heat to a higher place. Contact your vet if you lot notice worrisome bleeding in your female or male person true cat.

The true cat heat cycle explained

All female cats volition go through the natural heat cycle unless they have been spayed or are pregnant. This is also referred to equally theestrus bike and during this fourth dimension, a cat is capable of breeding – that is, mating and having kittens. The stages of the cat in rut wheel are described in detail beneath:


In this stage, the female cat (known as the queen 👑) might concenter male cats (that are unneutered). However, she will not exist set up for mating however. In this stage, which lasts 1-ii days, cats practise not show whatever typical signs of being in estrus.

Estrus (heat)

Next, the unspayed female person true cat enters the heat stage, too known as oestrus, oestrus or estrous. For up to a week, she volition be receptive to mating and concenter the attention of male person cats. This is besides when she will brandish the signs of a cat in oestrus. In case things become hot and heavy, hormone production will be stimulated, which leads to ovulation. Cats may mate several different times during this stage earlier becoming pregnant. When a female person cat does go meaning, her kittens can have different fathers.

😻 During the estrus phase, female person cats in heat will exist open up for mating – so be sure to follow our recommendations below to ensure you handle your cat in heat with care and caution.

Spotter out – your female true cat may roam when in heat, looking for her next mate! Male person cats too have a tendency to explore their grounds, looking for females in rut. You can monitor your true cat'south whereabouts during this time with the help of cat GPS and activity tracker.

Track my true cat

How long are cats in estrus?

The cat in heat or oestrus phase – when the true cat is 'calling' for a prospective mate – tin can terminal anywhere from 1 – vii days. If the cat does not mate, she will probable go into heat again a few weeks afterwards. The whole cycle lasts about three weeks, according to Pippa Elliott, MRCVS Veternarian¹, and may continue year round or merely from Feb – Oct.


In case the cat has not mated or become pregnant during estrus, she will enter the stage of interestrus, or the period between heats. She volition display no specific signs of beingness in heat. In a few days or upwardly to three weeks, the cat volition get into estrus again. The cycle of proestrus, oestrus, and interestrus repeats throughout the mating season.


The last phase is called anestrus – this is a dormant period for the cat'due south reproductive system. She will not experience whatsoever estrus activity, as mating flavor is frequently seasonal. The estrus bike tends to last from spring to fall, when the light of long days stimulate your feline's hormones. During the shorter-day seasons of late fall and winter, your cat may not get into rut at all. Notwithstanding, bogus lighting may cause your cat to go into oestrus all year.

If y'all discover unusual behavior in your true cat, and aren't certain if she's in estrus or not, contact your vet for back up.

Now that nosotros've covered the phases of a cat in estrus, lets look at how to calm a true cat in oestrus and preclude pregnancy.

How to calm a true cat in rut

The true cat heat cycle is a normal and salubrious part of the life of every true cat. Being in heat is not typically painful. However, y'all may desire to assistance at-home your cat while she is in heat. Here are several ideas to calm a cat in rut:

  • continue your female cat away from male cats
  • allow her sit down on a heat pack, warm towel, or electric pad or blanket
  • attempt catnip
  • utilize Feliway or other synthetic true cat pheromones
  • proceed the litter box clean
  • play with your true cat

How to prevent unwanted pregnancy in cats

cat in heat after being neutered
Beta, my handsome skilful boy after getting neutered.

The safest style to avoid unwanted pregnancy in female cats is to have them spayed as soon every bit they reach sexual maturity. It's important to get your male person cats neutered as well, to avoid them causing unwanted pregnancies in your neighborhood queens, a.k.a female cats.

Hither is an overview of what you lot can exercise to prevent your cat from mating while in heat:

  • Get your cat spayed or neutered before or around the time of their first rut cycle.
  • Monitor where your true cat goes with the assistance of a cat GPS tracker and action monitor.
  • If possible, separate male and female cats in your domicile while one or more true cat is in oestrus.
  • Avert letting your cat outside if you suspect they are in heat.
  • Create a cat enclosure so your true cat can be outdoors, but safely protected from other cats

After getting neutered, Beta thankfully no longer tries to mate with his sister – or any other cats around. And thanks to the Tractive GPS True cat Tracker I can always go along an eye on his whereabouts right in the smartphone app and think him if needed.


At present you have learned the signs of a cat in heat, how long the heat cycle lasts and its unlike components, how to calm a true cat in heat plus how to foreclose unwanted cat pregnancy. We learned that cat in rut beliefs can beginning at an early historic period – around 5 months old – and that it's safe for cats to be spayed around this time. The superlative ways to prevent an unwanted pregnancy in your cat include 1) getting your true cat spayed or neutered and 2) investing in a GPS location and activity tracker for your cat. This way, your furry friend tin can calm down from her natural oestrus bike, and enjoy exploring her territory while you accept peace of mind!

For more insight on how cats in heat acquit, check out the video beneath:

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This post was written by Chelsea Workman, animal (especially cat) lover and Tractive Customer Happiness and Content Managing director. She enjoys writing most cats and dogs and helping customers always go along track of their pets. Learn more than about the Tractive team.


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