
How To Keep Sleep Apnea Mask On

seven Mutual CPAP Mask Bug – And How To Solve Them

If you have a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine as a part of your sleep apnea therapy, you can maximise the efficacy of your treatment past focusing on 2 "Cs": Consistency and Compliance of employ.

Consistency comes from using the machine during every slumber as instructed, while Compliance ways using it as intended.

While a CPAP Machine can offer relief and a better night'due south sleep, it'due south not without its pocket-size challenges as well. Most commonly, CPAP treatment users can run across bug with the mask, which is the main part that is in contact with you during sleep. To help with this, take a look at the top vii concerns around CPAP masks, and how you tin solve them, so you can go dorsum to the business organisation of getting a great night'southward rest.

Masks.jpgThe CPAP Mask

The mask piece plays a major role in the functioning of the CPAP machine, and is the one function that nearly people have questions about. And so let'southward discuss all of the common mask bug and, more chiefly, how to solve them then you lot tin go the nigh out of your nightly treatment.

What are the well-nigh common CPAP mask concerns?

 1. My CPAP mask doesn't fit me quite right

Finding the perfect mask that fits your face up well is essential in achieving effective results when using a CPAP machine for Slumber Apnea treatment. That'due south because having a CPAP mask that is the correct shape for your face non just ensures comfort to assist with consequent employ, it too makes the mask work correctly each fourth dimension you slumber.


Solution Ane: Learn How To Put On Your CPAP Mask

Your mask may not fit y'all correctly if yous are non putting on the headgear in the right manner. Pocket-sized adjustments can brand all the difference when it comes to comfort and effectiveness, so ask your medical professional to show y'all the all-time way to put on your mask so that information technology fits perfectly to the contours of your face the style information technology is designed to practise.

Solution Ii: Take Your Time To Discover The Right CPAP Mask

It's worth investing the time to detect the right CPAP mask which fits you comfortably and correctly. When you come across your medical professional person, they are trained to undertake trial fittings for you to ensure that your mask works well for you. Don't be shy about beingness honest and speaking up if your mask doesn't feel quite right, every bit just you tin can know for certain.

Solution Iii: Conform For Facial Changes Over Fourth dimension

Your face tin can naturally modify over time, through weigh loss or gain, or even the growth of facial hair. If that happens, don't just put up with the ill-fitting mask, as it tin can crusade discomfort and issues with your treatment. Instead, contact your medical professional and commutation your mask for one that fits better.

2. My CPAP mask is leaking

Hearing or feeling leaks of any amount is something to be concerned with and not simply ignored. The mode your CPAP auto works to overcome Slumber Apnea each dark is by using air pressure level to keep your pharynx open throughout the hours of sleep so that there is a constant stream of oxygen going into your airways. The loss of that air force per unit area due to a leak in a seal can therefore mean that the treatment is non working effectively, if at all.

This means that fifty-fifty if y'all are taking the correct measures for treatment past using the CPAP car, you lot might achieve fiddling to no resulting improvements.

Solution I: Mask Fitting

This lies in ensuring the mask is fitting your confront snugly to create an air pressure level seal. If you lot experience that there is a seepage of air, or yous detect that your untreated Slumber Apnea symptoms unexplainably return, it's time to get your medical professional to check your mask to make sure that it's plumbing equipment yous well, and not leaking.

We understand this tin be inconvenient, however in that location's no point in going to the trouble of using your CPAP car if information technology is not working for you, peculiarly when it's such an easy fix.

Follow up CPAP therapy checkups

Solution Two: Replace Your CPAP Mask

Over time, masks experience normal wear and tear which tin can atomic number 82 to a misshapen form. Constant contact with skin oils, creams or makeup tin besides cause the seals to deteriorate. If this is the instance, the integrity of the seal may become compromised which tin crusade leaks. CPAP masks are consumables that should be replaced regularly to ensure that your treatment remains constructive every fourth dimension y'all wearable the headgear.

3. My mask is making my nose stuffy or dry

Some people feel sinus issues, such as a dry or stuffy nose when exposed to the air pressure coming from the CPAP mask.

Solution: Use A Heated Humidifier For Your CPAP Motorcar

Virtually CPAP machines now come with a heated humidifier device inbuilt which is specifically designed to increment the moisture levels in the air existence delivered, to reduce airway and nose dryness. This greatly reduces this problem'due south severity, or solves it birthday.

4. The CPAP mask'southward air pressure is uncomfortable

For some, getting accustomed to the continual air pressure level being blown through the mask can be difficult. This is understandable – it doesn't often feel very natural, specially when you lot are simply start handling. Tolerating the air stream while trying to rest may be a piffling uncomfortable. Some people can also notice it difficult to exhale against the pressure.


Solution One: Use The Sleep Onset Detection Function

As mentioned previously, some CPAP devices have a Sleep Onset Detection feature where the machine will begin at a low pressure and won't ramp up to your prescribed pressure until the device detects that you have fallen asleep. This means that, while you lot are lying in bed with the headgear on, you won't feel the full pressure level of the air until after you have drifted off and no longer actively enlightened when the oxygen increases. This can greatly ease the uncomfortable feeling, while ensuring your treatment is constructive.

Solution Two: Use The C-Flex Attachment

Some CPAP devices have a C-Flex attachment that has a sensor inbuilt to regulate the air pressure level based on when y'all are inhaling and exhaling. It will then accommodate the levels of oxygen to brand the breathing experience far more comfy, and alleviate whatsoever problems you may accept.

5. The mask's connecting tube is bothering me

Sometimes information technology'south not the mask itself, but the tube behind it that tin can create the problem. While the tube is an essential role of your treatment because it connects the mask to the CPAP machine, information technology tin can often be inconvenient and go far the fashion during the dark.

Solution: The Spinaleze Pillow

If you discover that you are becoming frustrated by the presence of the tube attached to your mask, we recommend the Spinaleze Pillow. This is a uniquely designed pillow, specifically engineered for spinal support. It is fabricated in Australia and is quite practiced for CPAP users. Information technology comes in many sizes to all-time accommodate your needs, and features ribbed groves on both sides so that you can rest your caput comfortably, while the tube sits abroad from you, and non across your pillow.

ResSleep stocks Spinaleze pillows. Drop in to one of our locations to run into one! Or you tin find more information here:

6. My CPAP mask is annoying me every time I use it

Frustration with CPAP treatment is unfortunate, but very normal. We understand that it can be disheartening and trying on your patience knowing that you lot accept to habiliment a mask and a auto on a long term footing. Patients often become fed upwardly having to put on the headgear nightly.

Solution: Focus On The Positive Aspects Of Your CPAP Treatment

Focusing on the positive health benefits of your treatment over the inconvenience of the mask volition help tip the scales in your listen of why you are doing this every night. While this sounds like a picayune solution, it really isn't: frustration is a state of listen, and by focusing on how much better you feel each solar day after a solid nighttime's slumber with the CPAP machine, versus how you were earlier the handling will help reinforce to yourself why you are doing this in the first identify.

7. My mask makes me experience claustrophobic

When you first wear a mask on your face up, specially while resting, it is possible that you may experience odd or a little discomfort. After all, when information technology's in employ, your CPAP mask is strapped to your face up, blowing streams of air into your mouth and airways to aid keep your throat clear all night. This experience may feel unsettling for some users new to CPAP therapy.


Solution One: Endeavor An Culling Blazon Of CPAP Mask

For some patients, the mask'south pattern and size tin can be a niggling intimidating. This is more commonly true for full-face masks, because information technology covers a lot of your confront while being a trivial heavy. If this is happening to yous, we ofttimes recommend trying a unlike blazon of mask, known equally a nasal pillow mask. They fit directly into the base of your nose with pillow-type cushions which seal around your nostrils. Many people adopt the nasal pillow masks as they are smaller, lighter and quieter.

These mask designs are ultimately less intrusive and make a user experience more at ease than the larger mask types, and many find they are able to overcome their initial claustrophobia past switching to nasal pillow CPAP masks.

You tin can find more data about nasal pillow CPAP masks here.

Solution Two: Introduce The CPAP Mask In Stages

The solution may lie in breaking down the employ of the mask into stages so y'all can get used to information technology.

Instead of immediately strapping the mask to your face and turning on the air – which can be quite intimidating – try only holding it to your face starting time. Wait a few moments until y'all are comfortable with its presence. Next, plow on the pressurised airstream and slowly acclimatise yourself to that sensation too. Afterward this, the side by side step is to finally strap the headgear on and run into how you feel.

By breaking downwardly the introduction of the mask into stages, you tin ease yourself into getting comfortable with the mask. Give it a try and meet if information technology helps!

Solution Iii: Wearable The CPAP Mask Outside Of Bed

When in individual, you tin try wearing the headgear while performing daily tasks and chores such as cleaning, watching television or reading. The action will distract you, while you become more accustomed to the feeling and weight of the mask.

Solution 4: Apply The Sleep Onset Detection Function On Your CPAP Device

The Sleep Onset Detection feature is bachelor on some CPAP devices. This part waits until information technology detects that you have fallen comatose before administering your overnight therapy. This means that you can put on your CPAP mask and actuate the CPAP device when yous get into bed, then relax and slowly drift off to sleep. The car volition begin at a depression pressure and won't ramp up to your prescribed pressure until the device detects that you take fallen asleep. This tin can reduce the sense of claustrophobia by slowing increasing the air pressure, rather than having it on maximum all at once.

Solution Five: Take Modest Naps With The CPAP Mask In Identify

This is another way to get acclimatised to your CPAP mask in order to reduce the feeling of claustrophobia. Try napping with the CPAP headgear on for brusque periods on a burrow or another location that isn't your normal bed. The shorter time and different location can let you to feel more at ease about wearing it, and break down the sense of fear.

Solution 6: Speak To ResSleep

If you take tried the solutions above but y'all are still having issues with claustrophobia with your mask and tube piece, speak to ResSleep or your medical professional person well-nigh your issue. Our trained staff will be able to suggest some alternative suggestions.

Are you having problems with your CPAP treatment?

While a lot of CPAP mask issues tin be stock-still at home, it's a good idea to go for regular check-ups of your handling, to ensure thursdayat your slumber apnea treatment is upwards to scratch. The sleep professionals at ResSleeptin provide you with a detailed look at your therapy information from your CPAP device to see if treatment is working for yous.

Having regularly cheque-ups where your therapy data is downloaded and reviewed will allow the identification of trends, and so you can see exactly how information technology'south working. We can also inform your GP of any updates.


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