
Halo Infinite Battle Pass not loading fix

Is there a fix for the Halo Infinite Battle Pass non loading or working? When get-go loading upwardly the game players are presented with a anteroom screen with a box for the Battle Pass in the top right that should become details quickly, but if the spinning or loading symbol refuses to become away in that location may exist a problem. Sometimes the game shows the player equally "Offline," which is a separate problem, but is in that location a Halo Infinite Battle Laissez passer non working ready?

Is there a Halo Infinite Boxing Laissez passer not loading or working set up?

Halo Infinite Battle Pass not loading

To ready the Halo Infinite Battle Laissez passer from not loading correctly, players should:

  • Visit other pages from the vestibule, including the store, then return to the master page.
  • Restart the game, and if that fails, restart the organisation.
  • Cheque to make the organisation is definitely online in another app or web portal.
  • Check the profile icon on Xbox or Steam to make sure it is non set to announced offline.
  • On PC, go into Network Settings and change IPv6 to unchecked. On Windows ten, correct-click Windows Beginning Menu > Settings > Network and Internet > Alter Adapter Options. Right-click the internet pick used, then Backdrop and scroll down to see "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)" which needs to be unchecked. Click "OK" and exit out, and restart the PC to exist sure.

Hopefully one of these fixes volition piece of work and all players will get back to earning XP on the Boxing Pass in Halo Infinite'due south multiplayer soon. If all of these neglect to work, nonetheless, information technology might just exist a example of the servers having issues so players may merely have to exist patient. For more help on Halo Space, here'southward what to practise if the game is experiencing weirdly long loading times, here's how to sort out FPS drops and abrasive stuttering, and here'south how to sort a blueish screen issue on Xbox Series X.


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