
How To Keep Warm At Night

Read on for some superlative tips on how to stay warm at nighttime at festivals. From layering up lightly earlier you leave the tent, to all the essentials you'll demand when you lot're back in it – here'south how to brand sure yous're warm and cosy despite what the conditions throws at yous.

staying warm for a festival

When you lot're at an outdoor music festival, it tin can be hard to stay warm at nighttime, peculiarly if the weather turns bad. If the wind and rain comes in, you desire to brand certain you lot accept a program to cope with information technology, and to stay warm and dry, somehow.

After years of festivals, and increment weather, here are my top tips on what to wear to festivals to stay warm through the night.

Useful Tips To Stay Warm At Festivals

Avoid hypothermia, or at least a chill, with these top tips for staying warm festival style.

festival warmth

1. Bring a poncho or raincoat

This is an obvious 1, but it'due south worth mentioning. Bring a poncho or raincoat to keep yourself dry if you know in that location is a chance of rain. Even if it doesn't rain, these can be smashing for sitting on wet grass or if you finish upward in a mud puddle.

It could exist worth investing in a really skilful raincoat like this Northward Face one and then you don't get hot and sweaty underneath, and information technology works well to keep the rain off. Wet clothes are NOT fun at festivals.

2. Wear layers

Wearing layers is always a good idea when you're going to be outside for an extended menstruum of time. If yous go too warm, you can take layers off, but it's hard to add together layers once you're already common cold. Start with a base layer of long underwear, then add together a sweater and a jacket as your festival essentials. You can likewise bring a scarf and lid to keep your caput and neck warm.

3. Wear waterproof shoes

Waterproof boots will keep your feet warm and dry out. Even if you're not wearing boots, wear some type of footwear that covers your toes – bank check out this postal service on the best footwear for festivals for more info.

Besides, your feet are 1 of your near vulnerable parts when it comes to staying warm in a sleeping handbag and so make sure you bring some actress thick socks for the dark.

4. Use a sleeping purse liner

A sleeping bag liner is a great way to add some actress warmth to your sleeping bag. It's essentially a thin canvass that yous put inside your sleeping handbag. Some are fabricated of fleece or down, which volition really help to trap in the heat. They're basically like sheets for your sleeping bag, and they can make all of the deviation when it comes to staying warm.

v. Drinkable warm liquid

Drinking warm liquids before bed will help to raise your body temperature and brand information technology easier for you to fall asleep. Hot chocolate is a adept option. Just a note to say though, I would never do this at a festival as I'd exist too scared of needing the toilet!

six. Take mitt warmers

Yes, like the ones yous take when you lot go skiing. You can activate and and so put in your pockets to help keep your hands warm. They're great for when you're continuing in line for something and you're really cold. These are great for keeping warm at ski festivals.

how to keep warm at a festival

seven. Find a friend

Cuddling up with a friend is a nifty way to stay warm. If you lot can observe someone who'south willing to share their torso heat, y'all'll exist in good shape. Just brand sure they're okay with it first!

viii. Get upwards and move

If you lot're feeling cold, one of the best things y'all can do is to get up and move around. Walking around will assistance get your blood flowing and make you feel warmer. If you're really common cold, you can try doing some jumping jacks or running in place. Or, seeing as you lot're at a festival – trip the light fantastic!

9. Stay hydrated

Dehydration can pb to hypothermia, and then make sure you stay hydrated. It's tempting to drinkable every bit much alcohol as possible when y'all're outside all day, but you must stay hydrated with h2o. Alcohol also causes your torso temperature to drib, and you don't desire that in the evening at a festival!

stay warm at a festival

10. Pack an emergency umbrella, hat, and gloves

Umbrellas are bang-up for keeping the rain off your face, hats keep your caput warm, and gloves will keep your easily warm if it's too cold in your sleeping handbag.

Useful Tips To Stay Warm At Night In The Tent

It tin be hard to stay warm while y'all're in your tent, only here are some tips on how yous tin do just that. Here are some of my favourite tips for staying warm at night while you lot're in your tent.

stay warm camping at a festival

aneone. Purchase the right kit

If you're serious about camping ground at festivals, and so you demand to make certain you have the right gear. This means buying a tent that can withstand bad weather, investing in a expert sleeping bag, and peradventure even packing extra blankets. Yous could too invest in some thermal underwear to keep your body warm.

12. Choose your pitching location wisely

When you're setting up your tent, make certain you choose your location wisely. You want to find a spot that's out of the air current and not in a low-lying area where common cold air can pool. If you lot tin, endeavour to observe a spot that's sheltered by trees or other large objects. Merely absolutely definitely not where yous recall people volition go for an al fresco wee.

13. Insulate your tent

I fashion to stay warm in your tent is to insulate it. You tin do this by using a groundsheet or tarp to create an actress bulwark betwixt you lot and the cold basis. You can also use blankets or sleeping bags to insulate the walls of your tent. An electric blanket could help as well.

staying warm camping at a festival

14. Apparel in layers

One of the all-time means to stay warm is to apparel in layers when you're sleeping too. Y'all should get-go with a base layer of thermal underwear, followed past a few layers of article of clothing. If y'all become too warm, you lot can ever have a layer off. It's also important to wear a hat and gloves to keep your extremities warm.

15. Eat before bed

Eating a big repast earlier you go to bed will aid keep your body warm throughout the nighttime. If yous're feeling really cold, you can besides drink a hot beverage before bed. Just make sure yous don't consume or drink too much, as you don't desire to wake up in the centre of the night needing to use the toilet.

16. Be as close to other people equally possible

If y'all're in a iii-person tent or sleeping bag, try sleeping right next to each other rather than spreading out all over. Your body heat volition warm up your tent mates, and they'll warm you up in render. Also, staying nigh other people means that if there is an emergency, such every bit someone breaking into your tent or someone lighting fires well-nigh where you are camping, it volition exist easier for others nearby to help go along yous safe.

17. Bring an extra blanket

A blanket can exist used for a lot of things. You can apply information technology as an extra layer, put it over your sleeping bag to assistance trap in the heat, or use it to make a makeshift pillow. If you're actually common cold, you tin even put it over your head to help go along your trunk heat from escaping.

18. Use manus and foot warmers

If yous're really struggling to stay warm, you tin can use mitt and foot warmers. These are picayune packets that you tin can activate and and so put in your gloves or boots to help keep your extremities warm. Y'all can commonly notice them at sporting goods stores or online.

19. Bring a pee canteen

This one is mainly for women, but it can too be helpful for men. If you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, you lot can utilise a pee bottle instead of leaving your warm sleeping pocketbook. Merely make sure y'all don't exit it in your tent, equally the odor will be pretty bad when you lot become dorsum in.

Staying warm at festivals

festival warmth

Staying warm at festivals in the night can exist a challenge. With the right gear and some preparation, you can make sure that you stay comfy at festivals, and keep warm all night long. By following these tips, you lot'll be sure to stay warm at night while camping or attending a festival. Skilful luck and have fun!


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