
How To Keep Security Clearance Active

In that location are many reasons why a military fellow member or civilian employee of a government agency is required to take a security clearance. Employees may not have direct contact with sensitive, confidential, or classified data, just their very presence in a workplace that handles such information or data may require it.

Transferring And Maintaining Security ClearancesOnce an bidder has received a security clearance, it's easy to assume that is the end of the line where background checks, personal histories, and overall suitability to have the clearance are concerned. But what is the reality?

Do Security Clearances Transfer To Other Government Agencies?

The brusk answer to this question is, "It depends". In many cases a security clearance may travel with the employee or service member to a new job or assignment if certain conditions apply.

According to the U.S. Department of Land official site, "Federal agencies will usually accept another agency'southward investigation every bit the basis for granting a security clearance, provided your last security clearance investigation was completed within the past 5 years for a Elevation Underground clearance and 10 years for a Secret clearance, and y'all have not had a break in service of more 2 years."

Additional Investigation May Be Required

Fifty-fifty if your security clearance does travel with you, if y'all have had "any significant changes" (according to the U.South. Department of State) you may be re-investigated or in that location may be "adjudicative requirements that must be met prior to their accepting a clearance granted by another agency."

Gaps In Federal Service May Crave Re-Investigation

If a service member or employee has been out of federal service for more two years, a new investigation will be required. For gaps of employment less than two years, a security clearance may be "revalidated" at the discretion of the regime.

Exercise Security Clearances Transfer To Individual Sector Jobs?

According to the U.S. Department of Country, "Security clearances only utilize to positions that fall nether the purview of the federal authorities."

Will I Be Required To Sign A Not-Disclosure Agreement To Become A Security Clearance?

Those applying for security clearances should expect to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) equally a condition of receiving the clearance. If the employee or service member transfers to another assignment requiring a clearance, a new NDA may exist required. Consider the guidance from the U.Southward. Section of Defense Defense Security Service (DSS) official site, which states in part:

"NISPOM Paragraph iii-106 requires that an individual issued an initial personnel security clearance (PCL) execute a Classified Information Nondisclosure Understanding (SF-312) prior to beingness granted access to classified data and that the completed class is forwarded to the Cognizant Security Agency for retention."

Such requirements are not unique to DSS. In the past, the Army Information Security Programme has issued guidance that requires an NDA in conjunction with getting a clearance, but also advises that refusal to sign an NDA will result in being denied the security clearance or having an existing clearance revoked.

Security Clearance Jobs

About The Author Joe Wallace is a thirteen-yr veteran of the The states Air Force and a sometime reporter for Air Force Television News


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